Art in today's world
The function of art in modern society is multifaceted. Firstly, art allows people to leave their mark, to create something that outlasts their lifetimes. Writers, musicians, painters and other artists live on through their works long after they themselves are gone. Their art reflects their personalities, thoughts and emotions. In this way, art captures the human soul and preserves it through time. Additionally, art provides an escape from mundane reality into imaginary realms. Captivating music, paintings, structures and literature transport us into dreamlike worlds unlike our own. As both artists and audience members, we can immerse ourselves in these worlds briefly before returning to our daily responsibilities. Art grants us a reprieve from the hassles of life. Furthermore, art can convey ideas, opinions and causes. Throughout history, “committed artists” have created works that rebel against war, racism, societal problems and more. They give voice to their beliefs through their chosen artistic mediums. In this way, art spreads awareness and calls for change. In summary, art persists across generations as a vessel for knowledge, dreams, political statements and the human spirit. Whether allowing creative individuals to imprint themselves onto the cultural landscape, providing a temporary oasis from real-world troubles, or enabling commentary on social issues, art nourishes humanity in myriad ways. It is an indispensable part of what makes us human ©

The function of art in modern society is multifaceted. Firstly, art allows people to leave their mark, to create something that outlasts...