Why this very bad painting of Princess Diana is famous
Few professional painters describe their work as “bad.” Fewer painters who describe their work as “bad” become famous. However, that’s exactly what happened when artist Stella Vine sold her controversial painting of Princess Diana. Vine gave us one of the most well-known paintings of the 2000s: Hi Paul can you come over I’m really frightened. Many critics disparaged the painting. So why is Hi Paul can you come over I’m really frightened so iconic? Why Princess Diana became the subject of a controversial painting Vine was a fan of Princess Diana. She felt the Princess of Wales did what she could to do good and make the most of her situation in life. She saw some of herself in the royal icon. Despite how much Vine admired Diana, she made a painting which some people felt dishonored the princess. continue to read on website

Few professional painters describe their work as “bad.” Fewer painters who describe their work as “bad” become famous. However, that’s...