Salvador Dali body exhumed for paternity search
A 61-year-old Spanish psychic obtained the exhumation of Salvador Dali body, who died at the age of 85 in 1989. It was following an authorization from the Madrid justice system to prove that he was her father. In 2015, Pilar Abel, a fortune teller from Gerona, filed a paternity claim in Madrid court. She claimed that she was born in 1956 from the fruits of Dali's secret loves with her mother, who occasionally worked as a domestic in his residence in Cadaques when he was in a relationship with Gala, his muse. On June 20, the court gave her satisfaction by ordering the exhumation of the artist's body to carry out DNA analyzes on it. Still, the foundation bearing his name opposed it. Pilar Abel had already obtained ten years ago to compare her DNA with that of Dali taken from his death mask, but this analysis was not convincing. She has constantly affirmed that her mother had revealed to her that the artist was her father. On several occasions, she tried to assert her rights to her inheritance, which the Dali Foundation has always refused to accept by reiterating its intention to oppose any court decision to this effect. If it was proven that Pilar Abel would be Dali's daughter, she would be entitled to 25% of his fortune left after his death which was estimated at some 336 million euros, but given the result of the first analysis DNA, her chances of obtaining satisfaction appeared to be practically nil, even though the artist was not particularly focused on women. Remained a virgin until the age of 25, Dali had been disturbed during his childhood to discover a book on female genital diseases that his father had left open on a table. By marrying later with Gala he would have had only rare sexual relations with her. He was showing himself rather attracted by orgies in which he did not participate in any way only be voyeur. Although appearing in many photos in the company of naked models, he had never been seen interacting with them. So to think that he would have had an affair with a maid seemed unlikely Article written by Adrian Darmon for in 2017

A 61-year-old Spanish psychic obtained the exhumation of Salvador Dali body, who died at the age of 85 in 1989. It was following an...